It’s that time of the year when Seattle fills-up with cartoon characters, comic books and cosplay as 2015’s Emerald City Comicon kicks off this Friday. And once again, we here at have put together a guide to make sure that your trip to the con is packed full with content from a galaxy far, far away.
This year Jake Stevens has once again teamed up with fellow Seattle Area Lucasfilm Collectors Club (SARLACC) members Gus Lopez (The Star Wars Collector Archive), Ryan Beise (Galaxy of Toys Podcast) and Chris Bortz ( to host a panel about the history of Star Wars action figures titled, “Star Wars Action Figures: Collect All 3000?!?”. Stop in for an action figure history lesson or just to say hi to the panelists who are also hosts of the Galaxy of Toys Podcast!
In addition, this year the SARLACC will have a larger presence at the convention as they will have their own table located in the 501st Garrison Titan booth (LL2 in The Convention Center lower level) with plenty of swag to go around.
Speaking of swag, its time to announce our first exclusive button of the year. The first in a series of three “I’m a Star Wars Action Figure Collector” button will be made available at Emerald City Comicon. Designed by the talented Tom Berges of, the button will be limited to 140 pieces and will be available for free at the SARLACC booth, the “Collect All 3000!?!” panel and upon finding Jake Stevens on the show floor.
Your Star Wars Guide to Emerald City Comicon
Actors/Voice Talents
The following list includes the celebrities, actors and voice talents who will be signing at the con that have participated in various Star Wars media projects.
If you like getting your carded action figures autographed by the actors who portrayed them, then here are a couple figures (including the Golden One himself) that you’ll want to bring with you this weekend.
Anthony Daniels
- C-3PO (from just about every form of Star Wars media since ’77)
- Dannyl Faytonni (Attack of the Clones)
Steve Blum
- Zeb Orrelios / Alton Kastle (Star Wars Rebels)
- Andronikos Revel / Captain Kazac / Cash Zarrin (Star Wars: The Old Republic – Rise of the Hutt Cartel)
- Andronikos Revel / Baron Deathmark / Admiral Monk (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- Stormtrooper 3 (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II)
- Deflier / TIE Interceptor Pilot / Additional Voices (Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption)
- Empire HUD / Stormtrooper (Star Wars: Empire at War)
- Male Alliance Infantry #1 (Star Wars: Battlefront II)
- “voice” (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords)
- Yun Genda (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
- Admiral Galak Fyyar / Reborn 1 (Star Wars: Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast)
- AT-ST Driver / Hover Tank Driver (Star Wars: Force Commander)
- Olin Garn / Zero-G Stormtrooper / Civillian Pilot (Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance)
- Computer / Rebel Officer / Rebel Soldier (Star Wars: Jedi Knight – Mysteries of the Sith)
- “voice” (Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter)
Troy Baker
- Zenith / Additional Voices (Star Wars: The Old Republic – Rise of the Hutt Cartel)
- Civilian (Kinect Star Wars)
- Zenith / Additional Voices (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- Kul Teska (Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes)
Michael Bell
- Taskeen / Tatooine farmer (Star Wars: Force Commander)
Susan Eisenberg
- Shaak Ti (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
Grant Imahara
- (ILM model maker for the Prequel Trilogy)
Tabitha St. Germain
- Bene / Young Lando Calrissian (Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Attack of the Jedi, Menace of the Sith, The Phantom Clone)
Comic Book Writers and Artists
Jason Adams
Scott Campbell
- Cover Artist
C.B. Cebulski
- Editor on Star Wars & Star Wars: Darth Vader
Ron Chan
- Artist (Star Wars Ominbus)
Ken Christiansen
- Artist
Benjamin Dewey
- Artist (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Rachel Dodson
- Inker (Star Wars: Princess Leia)
Terry Dodson
- Pencils (Star Wars: Princess Leia)
- Artist (Star Wars: Darth Vader)
Tom Hodges
- Artist (Tales from The Clone Wars)
Ryan Kelly
- Artist (Star Wars)
Matt Kindt
- Writer & Artist (Star Wars: Rebel Heist)
Andy Suriano
- Writer & Artist (Star War: Clone Wars)
Kevin J. Anderson
The Jedi Academy Trilogy
- Jedi Search
- Dark Apprentice
- Champions of the Force
- Darksaber
Young Jedi Knights (co-written with Rebecca Moesta)
- Heirs of the Force
- Shadow Academy
- The Lost Ones
- Lightsabers
- Darkest Knight
- Jedi Under Siege
- Shards of Alderaan
- Diversity Alliance
- Delusions of Grandeur
- Jedi Bounty
- The Emperor’s Plague
- Return to Ord Mantell
- Trouble on Cloud City
- Crisis at Crystal Reef
- Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith
- Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War
- Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith
- Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire
- Tales of the Jedi: Redemption
- Jedi Academy: Leviathan
Short story collections
- Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina (editor)
- Tales of the Bounty Hunters (editor)
- Tales from Jabba’s Palace (editor)
Short stories
- Swap Meet: The Jawa’s Tale from Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
- A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper’s Tale from Tales from Jabba’s Palace
- Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 from Tales of the Bounty Hunters
- Firestorm in Star Wars Adventure Journal Volume 1, Number 15
- Bane of the Sith in Star Wars Gamer 3
Reference books
- The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
- The Essential Chronology (with Daniel Wallace)
- The New Essential Chronology (original text only)
Greg Bear
- Rogue Planet
Rebecca Moesta
Young Jedi Knights (co-written with Kevin J. Anderson)
- Heirs of the Force
- Shadow Academy
- The Lost Ones
- Lightsabers
- Darkest Knight
- Jedi Under Siege
- Shards of Alderaan
- Diversity Alliance
- Delusions of Grandeur
- Jedi Bounty
- The Emperor’s Plague
- Return to Ord Mantell
- Trouble on Cloud City
- Crisis at Crystal Reef
Junior Jedi Knights
- Anakin’s Quest
- Vader’s Fortress
- Kenobi’s Blade
- The Golden Globe (with Nancy Richardson)
- Promises (with Nancy Richardson)
- Jabba’s Palace Pop-up Book (with Kevin J. Anderson)
Michael Stackpole
- X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
- X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble
- X-Wing: The Krytos Trap
- X-Wing: The Bacta War
- I, Jedi
- X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge
- The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
- The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin
Short Stories
- Missed Chance
- Elusion Illusion
- Side Trip (co-written by Timothy Zahn)
- Interlude at Darkknell (co-written by Timothy Zahn)
- X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
- Star Wars: Union
- Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand (co-written by Timothy Zahn)
- Battle of Theed
Panels are a great way to take a break from the crowds and get some great insight and background to some of your favorite shows, books and hobbies. Here are the panels that have a Star Wars focus and the description’s ECCC has provided.
Star Wars Action Figures: Collect all 3,000?!
Room: Hall F (TCC 304)
Saturday, March 28th 11:30AM – 12:20PM
“Join Gus Lopez (Star Wars Collectors Archive) and Ryan, Chris, and Jake (Galaxy of Toys podcast) as they go through the history of Star Wars figures from their beginnings in the early bird kit, through Power of the Force, on to Bend-Ems, in to Power of the Force 2, the prequels, Clone Wars, and right up to today with The Black Series and Rebels. We show you each line, how many figures were produced in that line, what kinds of articulation did they have, how long did it last, and more.”
Anthony Daniels: The Golden Droid
Room: Main Hall (WSCC 4A)
Saturday, March 28th 11:00AM – 11:50AM
“Known the world over as protocol droid C-3PO in the Star Wars franchise (one of only two actors to have had a role in every movie), animated TV shows, and video games, he’s also appeared on Prime Suspect, Urban Gothic, and narrated the Steampunk mini-series Dirigible Days. He is the Droid we’re looking for.”
Building My First Lightsaber: From Fanboy to Bestselling Author
Room: Hall B (WSCC 602-603)
Saturday, March 28th 11:30AM – 12:20PM
“Kevin J. Anderson talks about his journey from a small-town fanboy dreaming up stories to #1 international bestselling author, known for his work in Star Wars, Dune, X-Files, Batman, as well as his own universes.”
Cover Artist Confidential
Room: Hall A (WSCC 611-614)
Saturday, March 28th 12:00PM – 12:50PM
“There’s a special art to creating an awesome comic book cover. Fortunately, we’ve got some of the best cover artists in the business here to share with you their process, tips and tricks, and their inspiration on some of their most iconic covers. Panelists include Phil Jimenez (Wonder Woman), Terry Dodson (Star Wars: Leia), Mark Brooks (Deadpool) and Adi Granov (Star Wars).”
Q&A With Michael A. Stackpole
Room: Hall B (WSCC 602-603)
Sunday, March 29th 11:30AM – 12:20PM
“New York Times Bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole (I, Jedi) takes audience questions about his broad body of work from Star Wars and BattleTech to Dark Conspiracy and his own worlds.”
Marvel: Next Big Thing
Room: Hall C (TCC 301)
Sunday, March 29th 2:00PM – 2:50PM
“Want to start reading Marvel Comics? There’s no better place to learn all about our thrilling and creatively diverse series than this panel! Panelists include Marvel’s VP of International Development C.B. Cebulski and Executive Editor Mike Marts, Kieron Gillen (Darth Vader), Terry Dodson (Princess Leia), Stacey Lee (Silk), Robbi Rodriguez (Spider-Gwen), and more! If you’re curious about the future of Marvel’s Star Wars titles and books like Spider-Gwen or Silk, then this is the panel for you!”
Star Wars Character Photos
What comic convention would be complete without folks dressed up as their favorite superhero, Stormtrooper, Doctor or Hobbit! Here is your chance to get your photo with your favorite Star Wars character.
Garrison Titan – Seattle’s 501st chapter: Pose for photos with your favorite Star Wars villains every day at their charity photo booth!
- Alpha Base – The Rebel Legion’s local chapter: Get your picture taken with your favorite Star Wars heroes!
- Ewok Builders Club – Making their first convention debut, come meet and get your picture taken with the first band of fan made Ewoks who are back from their trip to the Redwood Forest (Endor)!
- R2 Builders Club – Check out the amazing homemade in the Pacific Northwest astromechs from this highly skilled club!
This year Emerald City Comicon will be featuring two comic book exclusive covers.
Star Wars: Princess Leia #1 Limited Edition ECCC/C2E2 variant by Adi Granov
Color edition available in limited quantities, B&W edition available in super limited quantities!
Price: $10 (color) $15 (B&W)
Available from the ECCC Merchandise Booths.
Well ladies and gentlemen that brings a wrap to our coverage and as with every year there’s sure to be other Star Wars related content which will pop-up at the show. And now whether you spend one day or three, there will be lots of Force-fueled things for you to see and do at Emerald City Comicon 2015. And lastly we will leave you with some simple pro-convention going tips:
- Make sure to bring cash in small denominations
- Make a list of comics and toys that you are looking for before hand,
- Remember to stop to eat (pack granola bars and beef jerky if you plan on waiting in lines)
- Chat with your fellow fans in line with you
- And as always, remember the Force will be with you…always!