This afternoon, Pacific Standard Time, the crowdfunded Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) and new centerpiece of The Vintage Collection, went on sale on eBay for international collectors. Four-hundred Barges were put up for Buy It Now and within 9 minutes and 52 seconds, they were completely sold through. Even more impressive is that over 300 of them were sold in the first 2 minutes.
Now that what we believe to be the remaining Barges that were produced have been sold, we are now free to guesstimate how many over all Barges were produced by Hasbro.
We know Hasbro stated no more than 10,000 were produced. We know 8,810 were crowdfunded by American and Canadian collectors. And now we know that 400 were sold internationally. So somewhere in the vicinity of 9,210 – 9,999 were produced. W would be Hasbro produced closer the the former number than the later but regardless, this will be one of the rarest Hasbro Star Wars action figure pieces ever created.
Congrats to those who successfully obtained one today and our sympathies to those who tried.