With just one day left until the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens we are beyond excited to learn which Hasbro vehicles, build-a-weapons and characters will actually have screen-time in Episode VII. In just over 24 hours fans and collectors will be able to begin creating accurate displays, dioramas and new ways of organizing their figures (Jakku, Starkiller Base, etc.)!
Like many of you we’ll be seeing the film with some great collectors and friends and the Force in Seattle is so strong that SARLACC even had premiere t-shirts made!
The great thing about collecting during a movie year is that there is typically a steady stream of figures to hunt for and especially during the holidays. We like many others on the West Coast are actively looking for the Waves 2 and 3 of the Wal*Mart Exclusive Black Series line.
While we were hoping to have these figures by the time TFA debuted, the excitement of seeing the film in such a short time has us thoroughly distracted.
We have had a great Star Wars Week so far and looking forward to it culminating with tomorrow’s debut!
- 12/12 Saturday – Joined team SARLACC to compete in Geekswhodrink.com’s national Star Wars trivia contest in Seattle and took first place!
- 12/13 Sunday – Recorded Episode 52 of Galaxy of Toys Podcast about recent The Force Awakens news and leaked action figure images.
- 12/14 Monday – Watched the live coverage on StarWars.com of the Red Carpet from the World Premiere in Los Angeles.
- 12/15 Tuesday – Attended a special S.T.A.R.S. – Seattle Tacoma Area Rebelscum Society meeting in South Center and picked-up my exclusive SARLACC movie premiere t-shirt.
- 12/16 Wednesday – Watching Revenge of the Sith with my children thus completing their viewing of the Saga.
- 12/17 Thursday – Attending the first showing of The Force Awakens in IMAX 3-D at the Pacific Science Center; one of the only seven theaters in the country showing it in laser projection.
- 12/18 Friday – Taking the family to the opening day showing of The Force Awakens in 3-D at AMC.
- 12/19 Saturday – Attending SARLACC’s annual Star Wars Christmas Party and White Bantha exchange.
We wish you all a fantastic time seeing the film this weekend and wish you as always,
May the Figures be with you!