For those headed to Star Wars Celebration Orlando next month, you’ll have the opportunity to hunt down Jake Stevens in order to obtain a 40th Anniversary edition “I’m a Star Wars Action Figure Collector” button. Now this button, whicih is not endorsed by Lucasfilm/Disney will not be distributed at our Star Wars Space Club booth (#2653) nor at Jake’s Collecting Track panel. It will instead be Jake’s own button that he’ll be passing out and one that is a part of the Facebook SWCO Swag Crew. Numbers will be limited for each day of the convention but for whose on the hunt Jake won’t be hard to find. Look for his SWAG Crew badge.
Now this is the fourth button in our “I’m a Star Wars Action Figure Collector” series! The first was our Emerald City Comic Con ’15 exclusive:
This second was our Celebration Anaheim ’15 Rebels edition exclusive:
The third was our Chive Cast’s Archive Party exclusive in which we shared with for Celebration Anaheim ’15:
Could there be a fifth in the works…stay tuned for more!
And finally, a huge shout out to the talented button design genius Tom Berges! He keeps us steady in swag during convention time!
Looking forward to seeing you all at Celebration but until then,
May the Figures be with you!