Today we are proud to present our new The Force Awakens action figure page! Everything you want to know about the new Star Wars The Force Awakens action figure line can now be found in one place! This will be your resource page for all things pertaining to the new series.
Everything from Checklists to Images. Hasbro Commercials to Hasbro Interviews. Press Releases to Promotional Items, we cover it all! Presents: The Force Awakens Aciton Figure Page
- #ChooseLightSide
This figure line is still so new and yet already so rich with content and product; we are certain this page will grow vastly in the weeks ahead! Hard to believe there’s only 11 more Fridays until we will finally discover the backstory on most of these great figures! And as always, check back often as this will be our main focus over the upcoming weeks especially with New York Comic Con coming up soon.
Until December 18th,
May the Figures be with you!