Unlike movie-based lines of the Prequel Era, The Force Awakens line seems to be offering up a fair amount of figures reissued from previous lines. Yakface.com confirms (via BB-8 News Facebook page )what we discussed on the last Galaxy of Toys Podcast; that a Slave 1 with Boba Fett will be coming in TFA packaging.


Another set of reissues that appear to be coming are two Epic Battles Toys ‘R’ Us exclusives. The 6-pack sets appear to be themed by trilogies and offer figures that save for Qui-Gon appear to all be 5 POA reissues from the last few lines. This reveal also comes from a Facebook page.



When and if these will be released stateside is still unknown. How many more reissued sets or figures will be coming in The Force Awakens line seems to be the question of the day.

We’ve updated our Gold 5’s Report (Upcoming Figures) and our The Force Awakens Checklist.

And to list to Galaxy of Toys Podcast to hear about our NYCC recap click here.

Until next time,

May the Figures be with you!