
Yesterday we tallied all of our votes concerning the next Black Series Archive Collection figure as submitted by fans and collectors over the previous week. Votes were cast via email, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and forwarded to Hasbro. A final vote for which figure should be added to next year’s Archive Collection will take place this Friday, May 15th on Hasbro Pulse.


We were asked to submit the our top 10 as voted on by our readers and followers:

#1 Commander Cody
#2 Jango Fett
#3 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)
#4 Qui-Gon Jinn
#5 Greedo
#6 Princess Leia (Jabba’s Prisoner)
#7 Jyn Erso
#8 Ahsoka Tano
#9 501st Clone Trooper
#10 Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise)

Once Hasbro tallies not only our votes but those gathered by our fellow fan sites as well; an overall list will be compiled and available for voting this Friday.

Over 45 different figures were submitted but Commander Cody won out in our poll. This is most likely due to his high secondary-market cost. Cody currently averages over $145 dollars on sites like eBay and is one of the most expensive Black Series figures to obtain to right now.

We look forward to the upcoming vote and for those who know us well, knows our vote will be cast for Episode III’s Obi-Wan should he make the final vote.

Until then,

May the Figures be with you!