Star Wars Toys CR: Hasbro

This morning Entertainment Weekly gave us a first look at of a fully painted Jabba’s Sail Barge which is currently being crowd-funded by Hasbro’s new  The impressive paint application truly make all the details and accessories come to life on this potential Vintage Collection piece.

Star Wars Toys CR: Hasbro

Star Wars Toys CR: Hasbro

The most exciting news of the day is the announcement of a bonus figure. A Power of the Force carded Yak Face will be given to barge backers. This figure on this particular cardback will be exclusive to the HasLab barge. A regular Vintage Collection version on a Return of the Jedi card will still be released in the vintage line later next year.


Hasbro has posted a time-lapse video of the painting process for the model seen above.

There are still 13 days left to back the barge and as of this writing 2925 of the needed 5000 have been backed. Simply go to to support the campaign. And for those who missed the Hasbro’s Insta Story FAQ, you can find all the info here:

Until the barge is backed, may the figures be with you!
