We are back from our Summer hiatus and just in time to get ready for #ForceFriday this coming September 4th. We are stoked for the onslaught of new Star Wars merch that will be coming between now and the end of the year. While we were away a little event called San Diego Comic-Con took place and brought with it quite a few reveals and surprises. The least revealing was that of Hasbro as they showed very little (and this we’ll break down in a future article for historical purposes as its been covered quite thoroughly fellow Star Wars Community members). Many have grumbled over Hasbro’s lack of reveals for the upcoming Midnight Madness but as our friend Matt Fox pointed out on his highly informative podcast This Week In Star Wars this is par for the course as they have never previewed their merch this early prior to a street date.
In our summer travels we managed to pay a visit to Disneyland and spent a large amount of time at both Star Tours: The Adventure Continues and its gift shop The Star Trader. The Droid Factory Build-a-Droids were is full swing but the one thing that was missing was the exclusive R2-D60 which is currently sold out at the park. The cast members on had appeared unsure if they the Diamond Anniversary droid would return and since May was when the jubilee began it might be iffy.
Other figure appearances in the park included over on Main Street, The Dinseyland Story gallery featured some behind the scenes on Star Tours while featuring some of past Star Tours action figure offerings.
Also outside of the park, in Downtown Disney a shop called D-Street featured some vintage Kenner items and vehicles were on display above their Star Wars merchandise.
And finally our travels were also joined by “Trashie – The Trash Monster”, who caught a ride from Seattle to L.A.
Look for a ton of updates to come as we have plenty to add to Kenner Cameos, Lights! Camera! Action (Figures)!, RetroBlasting: The Star Wars Episodes, Gold 5’s Report, The Collector’s Calendar and much more from SDCC and not to mention the loads of rumors about what might be available on Force Friday!
Until then,
May the Figures be with you!