With this week’s debut of the animated micro-series Star Wars Forces of Destiny, we released our visual guide dedicated to the line of Adventure Figures that is going to be released to accompany this new in-canon series. You can find the link to this guide and others in our COLLECTOR RESOURCES link at the top of the page. We’ll update the page as more information and episodes become available but in the meantime, you can check it out below!
“The Choices we make, the actions we take, moments both big and small, shape us into forces of destiny.”
Adventure Figures are a line of 11″ doll figures that were first announced at Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017. These figures which are primarily geared to a younger female audience include both cloth outfits and rooted hair. The line is centered on the animated micro-series which debuted in July 2017 on YouTube and the Disney Channel. It was confirmed at SWCO ’17 that this line’s scale is based on that of other Hasbro girl doll lines as opposed to being based on Kenner and Hasbro’s traditional 12″ scale. This line is set for mass release in August 2017.
Press Release – Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017
The Heroines of Star Wars Panel – Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017
Visual Guide
Forces of Destiny: Adventure Figures
- Jyn Erso
- Rey of Jakku
- Sabine Wren
- Chewbacca
Forces of Destiny: Adventure Figure Sets
- Princess Leia Organa & R2-D2
- Rey of Jakku & BB-8
- Ahsoka Tano & Loth Cat
- Luke Skywalker & Yoda
Forces of Destiny: Deluxe Figure Sets
- Endor Adventure
- Princess Leia Organa & Wicket the Ewok
Episode Guide
Sands of Jakku
“Rey fends off a creature that wants to devour her new friend, BB-8.”
BB-8 Bandits
“Rey and BB-8 take off on a speeder to flee scavenger thugs who want to steal BB-8.”
Ewok Escape
“Leia and Wicket work together to help Ewoks escape from stormtroopers.”
The Padawan Path
“On her way to a Jedi ceremony, Ahsoka leaps into action to stop a malfunctioning droid.”
Beasts of Echo Base
“Leia and R2-D2 must free Chewie from the clutches of a ferocious wampa.”
The Imposter Inside
“Ahsoka and Padme face off against a shape-shifting bounty hunter. “
The Stranger
“Jyn comes to the aid of a little girl bullied by stormtroopers.”