While doing prep work for the next “issue” (episode) of The Star Wars Spinner Rack Podcast, which is the newest show on the Galaxy of Toys Broadcasting Network, we couldn’t help but to notice a unique Rebel vehicle design. On the cover of issue #18 of Brian Wood’s Star Wars title appears an X-Wing which by all accounts should be very familiar to both vintage and modern Star Wars action figure collectors. Pictured to the right of Chewbacca’s head is none other than a Kenner action figure version of the X-Wing Starfighter.
It’s Kenner origins are obvious due to its shorter fuselage, depressed R2-D2 dome (which causes the S-Foils to open) and shorter laser cannons. This mold was originally produced in 1978 and has seen multiple repaints and remolds in both the Kenner and Hasbro lines over the years. The particular paint scheme on this version hails from 1995’s The Power of the Force 2 Electronic X-Wing Fighter.
Now being this is only the second cover, artist Victor Manuel Leza, who by all accounts is new to drawing any Star Wars related projects, has illustrated for the series it only makes sense that he might not have LFL reference material on-hand and would opt for a more common item to use instead. We have reached out to the artist but have yet to hear back but as soon as we do we’ll share what we learn. So in the mean time, if you haven’t given our inaugural episode of The Star Wars Spinner Rack, a podcast all about Star Wars comic books, a listen there’s plenty of time to do so before our next episode (reviewing June’s books) drops the first week of July.
Also, if you know of other instances of Kenner and/or Hasbro action figure designs being used elsewhere please let us know on our Facebook and Twitter feeds or through an e-mail to 4lomkuss@gmail.com. Until next time,