We here at From4-LOMtoZuckuss.com have a guilty pleasure in our collecting habits which is that we love the modern 12″ Star Wars figure line! Since the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story in April we have not had the typically 2-3 waves and store exclusives that accompany a film’s release. To date, the only 12″ figures from Solo to receive wide release include Han, Qi’ra and, an Imperial Patrol Trooper. A Kylo Ren is also included in this wave but it is simply a reissue from The Last Jedi.


Now Hasbro has shown at various conventions additional figures but here in the States, these figures have been mostly elusive and/or non-existent. For those looking for these figures, you are in luck as we are here to point you in the right direction. Our international friends have had better luck tracking this figures down.

Fellow collector and reader Edgar Alejandro De La Puente Campa confirmed on our Facebook page that Lando has shown up Mexico.


Another North American appearance goes to Chewbacca which is set to be released in deluxe packaging. This figure has been spotted on shelves in Canada by our friend and TOY RUN listener Paul Van Dyke. This figure, strangely enough, is not the Chewbacca from Solo but includes a bandolier and package description from The Last Jedi.


Now Paul has also discovered a Canadian Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive 2-pack which features the Chewbacca and Han Solo! While Han is a Wave 1 reissue from Solo, this is currently the only way to get a Chewie from Solo: A Star Wars Story.


No word yet if this set will make it to the US, but with the fall of TRU in the States this set will most likely stay exclusive to the Great White North.


The final figure which has been fairly sparse in appearing on toy shelves is Enfys Nest in deluxe packaging. This figure looks amazing and for those in the US can actually order it right now but you need to know what to search for. Enfys Nest is currently listed on Amazon.com for $14.99 but is listed as “Jedi Envy’s Nest”.


So whether Hasbro is waiting for the home video release of Solo next month or simply spreading their upcoming figures out throughout the year due to the lack of a new film this Fall/Winter, there are figures to hunt for internationally and digitally.

For the only complete visual guide and checklist of Hasbro’s modern 12″ line of figures on the web, simply click here!

And until next time,

May the Figures be with you!