With #ForceFriday just 8 days away, retailers are starting to up their game in competing for collector’s attention and dollars. Here we’ll take a look at the major retailers set to celebration the release of The Force Awakens toys at 12:01 AM, September 4th.
Toys ‘R’ Us
The original purveyors of Midnight Madness will be holding their 5th midnight opening for Star Wars toys (all three prequels and The Clone Wars film). According to their website they’ll be offering an exclusive poster but no word on the content or producer (Hasbro, Jakks, Mattel, LFL, Disney, etc.?) of said poster. Also being offered at Geoffrey’s store will a LEGO Star Wars Commemorative Brick but details on this are scare as well. And finally Rancho Obi-Wan will be curating a special exhibit at the flagship store in Time Square store with special events and activities.
The largest employer in the world will also be releasing the new Force Awakens product at the stroke of midnight.
“Walmart is counting down to ‘Force Friday’ on September 4, where customers, fans and collectors from across the galaxy can come to Walmart to be among the first to get their hands on an all new assortment of Star Wars merchandise. Starting at 12:01 a.m. on September 4, our customers will find a huge variety of licensed Star Wars products all across our store.
The website MakingStarWars.net has posted some company memos and information indicating that each store will have an employee who be designated a “Star Wars Champion” during the event opening. No official word yet on exclusives but a source inside Wal*Mart has stated to us that the retailer may very well have an exclusive line of Episode VII Black Series figures. We’ll keep you posted as we learn more or all in revealed on the interwebs.
Joining the Madness for their first time ever will be Target with a “couple different events”. Their #ShareTheForce website has just gone live where fans of the Saga can share their memories.
In addition to the 207 Target stores opening at midnight (not all stores are opening at midnight, and you can find a local store here), they will also be celebrating the launch of the new toys on Saturday.
Share the Force Saturday
Make new memories at our Share The Force Saturday, September 5th. Check out our Star Wars Shop, plus photo ops, a giveaway for your kids and demos of new Star Wars toys
The midwest chain is also throwing their hat in the ring for a little Force Friday madness.
The Disney Store
Star Wars’ parent company’s stores will be opening up early at 6 AM on #ForceFriday to sell TFA merchandise, offer exclusives and provide giveaways. As usual no information has been officially released about this and local store managers seem to be just as in the dark as to what exactly will be offered.
And finally, although not a retailer per se but the official site will be celebrating the release of this new line of toys as well. Starting at 2:30 PM Pacific Time on September 2nd, Starwars.com’s Youtube will begin a series of unboxing videos of the new toys that will continue just about right up to Midnight Madness. All the details and the international list of unboxers can be found here.
Now on a more personal note, Jake from From4-LOMtoZuckuss.com will be appearing at the Tukwilia, Washington Toys ‘R’ Us where he will be providing #ForceFriday checklist for all in attendance. Joining him will be Criz Bee from JediBuisness.com, Tom Berges from IGrewUpStarWars.com, Jason from Galaxy of Toys Podcast, Ryan Beise from Star Wars Collecting Cosmos, Gus Lopez from The Star Wars Collectors Archive, Amy Sjoberg from the Ewok Builders Club and direct from Starwars.com’s own “Epic Global Unboxing Event” Chris Pirillo as well as many other collectors and fans from the Seattle area. If you plan on attending Midnight Madness and live in the Puget Sound area, come on out and join in the fun with all of us as chances are there will possibly be some swag and perhaps even a live podcast recording to be a part of as well.
As well learn more details or more stores are announced we’ll update them here!
Until the madness takes you,
May the Figures be with you!