As stated yesterday, we have returned from our Summer vacation from the Happiest Place on Earth: Disneyland! As one might expect our main reason for going was to immerse ourselves in the new world of Batuu! The Black Spire Outpost in Galaxy’s Edge is full of an insane number of Star Wars references from all over fandom. The experience visiting the marketplace, Oga’s Cantina, Hondo’s Ohnaka Transport Solutions and Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities is truly magical for any fan of the Star Wars universe.

But it should go without saying, one of the details found in Dok-Ondar’s shop stood out to use beyond all others. Just over the shoulder of Dok himself sits a Kenner cameo going back to 1979!


Blue Snaggletooth’s head and trademark belt buckle are a part of Dok-Ondar’s impressive collection of props, aliens, and weapons from throughout the Star Wars galaxy.


For those who are not fans of the vintage line of Star Wars action figures, one of the rarest figures from early in the line is Blue Snaggletooth. This figure’s rarity is based on the fact that Kenner changed this figure quickly after his exclusive release at Sears to the more screen accurate version of the Red Snaggletooth. You can read more about this elusive figure through this humorous take at

Now, what makes this such a Kenner reference and not a general Star Wars one is that this character never appeared on screen in this blue outfit and the belt buckle itself was a design choice of the Kenner sculptor and not a Lucasfilm costumer. The design of the buckle even came from the sculptor’s own business card.


Image courtesy of The Star Wars Collectors Archive

The how this came to be or why Disney/Lucasfilm chose to include such a deep collecting cut for fans visiting Galaxy’s Edge is still yet to be known but this is not the only non-canon reference that can be found on Batuu. The Ark of the Covenant can be found in Dok’s possession.


And the only Hidden Mickey can be found not far from Dok’s near Smuggler’s Run in Disneyland!


We are excited to learn about the in-cannon appearance of Mr. B. Snaggletooth and as always if you know more about the origin of this please share it with us on any of our social pages or at!

Until next time,

May the Figures be with you!