Retroblasting is a great Youtube channel focused on analyzing, critiquing, restoring and mostly celebrating toys and cartoons from the 80’s. And since Star Wars action figures played a big part of that era, Retroblasting has repeatedly paid it the attention it deserves.
Michael and Melinda do a fantastic job as pop culture archaeologist of the 80’s, by merging humor and knowledge in their episodes and restoration guides. From 4-LOM to is happy to announce that you can now find all their Star Wars action figure themed videos here our newest feature page!
In addition, make sure to subscribe to their channel and give them a “LIKE” on their Facebook page so you too can follow all their retro-taskic episodes.
Star Wars Follies
Restoration Guides
Snowspeeder Part 2 Snowspeeder Part 3
Death Star Part 2 Death Star Part 3 Death Star Part 4
Millennium Falcon Part 2 Millennium Falcon Part 3
Millennium Falcon Part 4 Millennium Falcon Part 5