If there is one thing we as Star Wars fans have its trouble being patient for what’s next. And we here at From 4-LOM to Zuckuss are no different. In many ways Toy Fair was painful as we learned about all the very cool things that are planned and then for many then told we had to wait two to three seasons for them. We have a feeling next year will be even worse as there is the potential that Episode VII merch will be advertised but then not released for another 11 months to coincide with its scheduled December 18th release date.
So to pass the time until this year’s big media property Star Wars Rebels is released and we can begin going on toy runs to find its figures, we thought we would begin panning for potential Rebels-based dioramas and customs.
First up for us is hitting the antique shops and toy shows in the area for a Yavin Luke, Hoth Leia and a Ep IV Leia in order to create this early use of the “AT-DP”. The AT-DP’s predecessor was featured in newspaper comic strips in the early 80’s and reprinted later in the 90’s as seen here the first issue of Dark Horse Comic’s Classic Star Wars.
Next would be the much more difficult hunt for a Rav Bralor from the Republic Elite Forces set which was a 2007 exclusive to Entertainment Earth. This female Mandalorian figure is great fodder to customize into a Sabine figure. The problem is that it typically sells on ebay for between $25 – $40, so the chances of finding one on the cheapo will be slim.
A bit more trickier custom for someone more talented than us, would be to transform the McQuarrie Concept Chewbacca from the The 30th Anniversary Collection into its successor Zeb Orrelios. More than a paint job, Zeb would require new legs as the animated version appears to have something closer to Hammerhead’s legs than the furry set included with the McQuarrie Concept.
These are just the tip of the iceberg when looking at the possible ways to pass the time until Star Wars Rebels hits later this year. If you customize figures and have have ideas of your own or have already make some Star Wars Rebels customs, we would love to hear from you and feature them on our Facebook page.
We’ll be back when inspiration hits in the future with more suggestions but until then,