HasLab’s Razor Crest Tiers 4 & 5
This morning Hasbro Pulse released the details of their fourth and fifth tier unlocks of their current Vintage Collection HasLab project. The Razor Crest having just achieved 13,000 backers, has unlocked "Rick Duel's Gang" in Carbonite Blocks and freed up the campaign for more stretch goals in the final 9 days of crowdfunding. So far backers will be getting the following: Razor Crest vehicle Loose Mandalorian figure with soft goods cape Carded The Child with vac-metalized pram Escape Pod 3 Carbonite Blocks We have been tracking this campaign carefully, just as we did with the Sail Barge in 2018, and many Kickstarter-like campaigns gain lots of backers in the last few days. Hasbro may be betting on this as their new stretch goals now [...]