HasLab’s Razor Crest Tiers 4 & 5

This morning Hasbro Pulse released the details of their fourth and fifth tier unlocks of their current Vintage Collection HasLab project. The Razor Crest having just achieved 13,000 backers, has unlocked "Rick Duel's Gang" in Carbonite Blocks and freed up the campaign for more stretch goals in the final 9 days of crowdfunding. So far backers will be getting the following: Razor Crest vehicle Loose Mandalorian figure with soft goods cape Carded The Child with vac-metalized pram Escape Pod 3 Carbonite Blocks We have been tracking this campaign carefully, just as we did with the Sail Barge in 2018, and many Kickstarter-like campaigns gain lots of backers in the last few days. Hasbro may be betting on this as their new stretch goals now [...]

By |2020-10-31T00:10:51-07:00October 31st, 2020|Categories: Hasbro Pulse, HasLab, The Mandalorian, The Vintage Collection|

Razor Crest’s Third Tier

As promised in last Friday's Fan First Star Wars event, HasbroPulse has dropped the next tier for their current Star Wars HasLab project. The Razor Crest, upon reaching 13,000 backers, will now include four Carbonite Blocks depicting the four seen in Episode 1 of the series. For those who missed the live stream event, it can be found in its entirety on HasbroPusle's YouTube channel. The Cliff Notes version of the stream is as follows: The Child's Pram will be vac metalized and exclusive to the HasLab Hasbro is working on getting the Razor Crest to more foreign markets There are no plans to release the Razor Crest following the HasLab The TVC versions of The Mandalorian, Cara Dune, and the Remnant Trooper will be [...]

By |2020-10-13T22:39:27-07:00October 13th, 2020|Categories: HasLab, The Mandalorian|

Galaxy of Toys #90: Hasbro PulseCon, HasLab & Holiday Troopers

The crew of Galaxy of Toys Podcast is back to breakdown the reveals, announcements, and memorable moments from Hasbro's first virtual convention; Hasbro PulseCon 2020! Join host Jason Luttrull (Galaxy of Toys) and co-hosts Matt Fox (This Week in Star Wars), Ryan Beise (MrByZ Reviews), Chris Moorehead, Jayson Krebsbach (Yakface) and Jake Stevens (From4-LOMtoZuckuss) for a rundown of all the reveals from the last month! On this episode, we discuss the latest Star Wars offerings from Hasbro. We talk about the reveals at Hasbro PulseCon 2020 and our thoughts on the latest HasLab project. Please send comments and questions to galaxyoftoys@gmail.com

By |2020-10-01T23:39:58-07:00October 1st, 2020|Categories: Convention Coverage, Galaxy of Toys, Hasbro Pulse, HasLab|Tags: |

Tier 2: Finally Baby Yoda (& Carded Too)

Hasbro's latest HasLab the Razor Crest ship from The Mandalorian continues to fly high as it has successfully funded the first tier of 8,000 backers. After funding on the second day, backers were offered an Escape Pod as a Tier 1 stretch goal. This feature, while never featured in Season 1 of the show, fits into the top of the ship. Shortly after the fully funding this morning on the fifth day, the second tier goal was announced in the form of a brand new addition to the 3 3/4" line. The Child (Nevarro) will come carded with the HasLab with an "end-of-season-1-pram". No word yet if this will be exclusive to the Razor Crest but with the location naming and pram version, there is [...]

By |2020-09-29T21:55:57-07:00September 29th, 2020|Categories: HasLab, The Mandalorian, The Vintage Collection|Tags: , |

HasLab’s The Vintage Collection Razor Crest

Yesterday's launch of the second Vintage Collection-based HasLab, the Razor Crest, found great success in its launch. The signature ship of The Mandalorian, at the end of the first day, was crowd-funded at 68%. While the price of the vehicle is $150 cheaper than Jabba's Sail Barge, it should be noted that at the end of the first day, it only was backed at 11%. As can be seen below, the Sail Barge took almost the entire crowd-funding period to fully fund. The Razor Crest in contrast is on pace to fund in the next few days making the chance of unlocking the next two tiers very possible during the campaign. While the website appears to still be having some troubles when trying to back [...]

By |2020-09-26T10:17:37-07:00September 26th, 2020|Categories: Hasbro Pulse, HasLab, The Mandalorian, The Vintage Collection|Tags: , |

Galaxy of Toys Episode 89: We’re Gonna Be Broke!

The Galaxy of Toys Podcast is back from a month of Summer vacation to bring you all the reveals from Hasbro over the last few weeks. Tune in as host Jason Luttrull is joined by co-hosts Matt Fox (from the original This Week in Star Wars), Chris Moorehead (Emperor's Royal Guard Collector Esquire), Ryan Beise (MrByZ's Toy Reviews), Jayson Kreshbach (Yakface.com), and Jake Stevens (From4-LOMtoZuckuss.com) as they share in their recent pick-ups, break down Hasbro reveals and attempt to guess the next Star Wars HasLab! We have a lot of catching up to do. On this episode we discuss the summer Star Wars action figure reveals from Hasbro.

By |2020-09-01T21:17:15-07:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Galaxy of Toys, Hasbro Pulse, HasLab, The Black Series, The Vintage Collection, The Vintage Collection 2|Tags: |

The Sandcrawler Episode #96 – Summertime Collecting Blues

The Sandcrawler Podcast returns for the mid-Summer action figure therapy you need to get you through the dog days! Join Mac, Dan and Jake as they break down the Hasbro releases and announcements from the past month! It has been AWHILE! We’re back after a lengthy break and there is a ton of Star Wars collecting news to catch up on. This week’s show notes are a necessity so be sure to click on the links below to keep up! Seattle Krakens join NHL (not Star Wars, we know) Star Wars movies pushed back in release schedule In “I Wanted Everything” Jake picks up the first wave of the kid-focused Mission Fleet, Dan adds to his Power of the Force collection including an awesome [...]

By |2020-07-29T22:01:06-07:00July 29th, 2020|Categories: HasLab, The Black Series, The Sandcrawler, The Vintage Collection, The Vintage Collection 2|

HasLab Sentinel Funds in 26 Hours!

In just under 26 hours, Hasbro's latest HasLab funded completely. The Marvel Legends collectors showed up in strides when it came to backing the $350 Sentinel which stands at 26" tall. The figure was limited to just five per person. Its body a towering, technological marvel, the Sentinel scans the world for its quarry, a searching light emanating from its chest, its glowing eyes a warning… and a threat. Programmed with only one objective, to destroy all mutant life on Earth, the Sentinel will not hesitate, will not falter, and will never ever stop hunting. Rising from the pages of Marvel comics, appearing in everything from cartoons to movies to video games, the Sentinel is as a monumental part of Marvel lore, an iconic [...]

By |2020-07-11T12:57:38-07:00July 11th, 2020|Categories: HasLab, The Vintage Collection 2|Tags: , |
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