The second day of my birthday game is upon us. If you are just joining us, make sure to skim off over the rules of play and how to enter Little Jake’s Birthday Scavenger Hunt before proceeding.

Today’s entry takes us all the back to November 1982. Kenner enthusiasts can tell you this image is from ’82 and not ’81 (when the set was originally released) by the lack of rebate sticker on the front. I played the heck out of my Dagobah playset and my proof of this is that I lost the “sticks” that help Luke stand on his hands which was unlike me as I keep such good care of my toys growing up. I have yet to this day to pick up new ones (on my collecting to do list though) and I’m still trying to decide whether or not to replace my now extremely brittle swamp foam. For those non-Kenner collectors, the foam included in these sets was not made to last 40+ years and has turned into some more akin to very fragile floral arrangement foam. I’m also still trying to figure out if I was shocked in this photo or just mouth-breathing which I was commonly known for doing as the Paul Pfeiffer-like kid that I was. But enough about me, let’s get on with today’s hunt. Use the following clue to find where the image below can be found here on

 BuRied at the bOttom of the checklist for this “pRequel” film, yOu will find the image below just afteR the sectiOn of potential figuRes they still cOuld make foR this A Star Wars StOry sequel.


I make no apologies for the fact that I really like all Star Wars films and this year was no exception. I loved Solo: A Star Wars Story! I am more excited for a sequel for that film than anything else right now although I fear I shouldn’t hold my breath as standalone films have rumored to have been put on hold. Nevertheless, I think it was a really fun film that I also want about 100 more action figures from but I digress. So because of my love for the film, today’s toys entering the grand prize box are all Solo based. They include a digital copy of Solo: A Star Wars Story (generously donated by my very good friend Curt B.), a Force Link 2.0 Starter Set which includes Han Solo himself (provided by Hasbro) and the very hot and very hard to find Force Link 2.0 Mimban Stormtrooper (retrieved for me by my friend of 20+ years Jeremy H.).


Once again, good luck to all who play and thanks for joining in the birthday fun with me!

May the Figures be with you,
