The recently released Saga Legends Rebels line has brought longtime collectors their newest version of a 5 Points of Articulation Stormtrooper.  This limited articulated line which has been met with apprehension from many modern collectors, is a worthy nod to a much simpler (but also then revolutionary) form of action figure.


The original Stormtrooper was part of Kenner’s first 12 figures released in 1978’s Star Wars line and technically wasn’t even a 5POA; it was a 4POA as Kenner molded the helmet as part of the torso. Kenner’s next attempt, which we purposely did not feature above due to its number of POAs, was in 1995’s The Power of the Force (POTF2) line and featured both a swivel head and waist upping its POAjb_stormtroopers to six.  It appeared this would be the trend as Kenner phased into Hasbro and proceeded to release multiple versions of the Empire’s elite solider from 1995 to 2013. [For a complete list of all Stormtroopers released to date, click the pic to head over to our friends at] Jumping quickly to 10POA and then maxing out at 14POA, fans were used to looking for new ways the toy maker could add a point of articulation.

Possibly due to the cost of production or just plain nostalgia, Hasbro made the somewhat controversial move in 2013 to switch gears and decrease their Saga Legends action figure line to 5POA for the first time in 30 years.  For many of the figures from this line, what lacked in articulation was made up for in sculpting.  Hasbro’s Star Wars Rebels line has followed instep with their immediate predecessor by keeping this more limited style of figure. This level of articulation has become Hasbro’s M.O. for figures priced under $10 and time will tell (when The Force Awakens) if we will continue to see 5POA figures populating the toy aisles.

Until next time,

May the Figures be with you!